Monday, 27 September 2010

AusArmA Event - Operation Foothold, Stage 1 (Review)

The large online COOP event went off without a hitch last night, with a grand total of 41 players entering the fray on Operation Foothold 1. Here's a quick summary from the mission OC Floydii:

"So what happened? I'll recount from my point of view (Mission CO) refer to my initial briefing for how it was supposed to run:

After stuffing around at the base for a bit, 2/3/4/HQ loaded up in the Chinook and proceeded to the LZ south of objective Alpha. Section 1 was subsequently landed west of firing point one (FP1). Delta's Section somehow lost the mortar, so it was MG's all the way on the support position.

After the Longbow trashed two T55s at FP1, Rommel's section 1 proceeded to attack the enemy with great vigour (and some casualties). After killing a ZSU23 by themselves, Section 1 seized FP1 and started shooting alot of dudes from it.

While all this was happening, Kushluk's Section 2 and Zomba's section 3 were pushing up the green zone towards Alpha, picking off random Takiban and getting lit up by the occaisional MG nest.

Delta's mob were taking about as much fire as they were giving the whole time, which was good, because Delta's a ho, and also it also took alot of fire off everyone else.

After OBJ Alpha, everything kinda flowed well, and we seized Bravo without much hassle. The only major issue being Swordy's surprise Takiban trying to attack from the south.. but Arrow and Ruggle, our angels of death, quickly saw to that..

I'll let others relate thier own stories and pictures (I didn't take any because I was too busy herding the cats)."

Here's a collection of videos and pictures put up on the AusArmA forums from community members, but head over and check out the full thread at:

AAR from section leader Rommel:

It all started, at a small airbase in Southern Takistan.
After waiting at the base for about 15minutes, and a curious end to what had intended to be marching drill (an impromptu casualty in overcoming a obstacle). My section loaded up in the recently landed Chinook. We took to the skies, what actually happened is a blur; especially as to the precise details; I just remember seeing the ground (ie straight down) out the left hand window; for almost the entire flight.

Upon landing, command let us know of two T55s, almost 2k from our LZ, but not much help that made, considering I'd lowered my view distance to 700 during the flight in (VD changer in a helo? Who'd of guessed). After securing the LZ, an immediate (no reason?) casualty occurred in fireteam 2 (reason is believed to be a collision (ie BIS bug) with the rigging structure at the immediate LZ). I then instructed my section to swear by a no engagements past 400m rule, for a multitude of reasons, but mainly so I'd be able to keep control during a firefight.

After coordinating the JTAC onto the T55s, and confirming their swift destruction, we pressed east... into a minefield. After spending a further 5-10minutes evading said obstacle, I was instructed by Swordy that it was a ambient feature by BIS, and was of no consequence.

Empowered by this enlightening statement, we pressed onwards in alternating bounds through what we learnt to call the valley of death. Hearing nothing but constant small arms fire coming from our South, we continued the maneuver forward with no shots fired as per our 400m rule. When in range, all hell broke loose, and a steady moving assault began. Then the enemy spotted us. Using all our 'vigour' we returned fire onto FP1, and received it back in the form of 23mm. Things weren't looking up at this point; a key quote from the night being "wait out CANT HEAR"; an undertone of the amount of fire traversing my position.

Under the pretense of observing AA missiles being fired from FP1, we took to the North flank and charged FP1 in two bounds (thats almost 200m). Having secured the position, I then proceeded to go eat some tucker.

Some time passes...

Returning to my screen, I see multiple friendlies running past, no let down in the amount of firing, and complaints all round of ammo shortages. Plus some yanks in and about. Yes. Deltas team had arrived.
Immediate actions were, see to the medic, eliminate the threats in death valley (somehow our rear flank had been lost); and then press onwards to FP2.

Under the cover of Deltas section, we completed the assault, taking a single casualty from a lone machine gunner, seemingly staring at us from under a truck within the FP. We secured the perimeter, with 1FT taking the North, and 2FT covering Deltas approach from the South. I am still not sure from where it appeared, but an ammo crate loaded with NATO ammunition was given to FP2, and cured a large amount of ammo shortages in my section; with up to 6 magazines per m240 gunner (x3), and 8 in spare. Needless to say. We were letting them have it.

It appeared in my absence, that OBJ A had been taken, and we preparing for the last push into OBJ B. Misunderstanding the map markings at the time, I had a false impression of the advances made by the other sections, and proceeded to secure the road west of OBJ B.
In an attempt to gain tactical advantage (we couldn't see anything), my section unloaded over 500 rounds into the concealment to our front (killing two previously unknown hidden Takiban); we then pressed forward with bayonets attached under the cover of red smoke to within 120m of the town. Coordinating with command our new position, and held tight.

As reports came over comms that a local MG at the northern most intersection was killed, the mission promptly ended.

AAR from section leader Delta:

4SEC started out alright, organising heavy wepaons to be loaded and preped, along with much needed ammo to resupply sections.

Unfortunatlty I crashed multiple times at the start but swedge was eager enough to pick up the slack and carry on 4 sec till my return.
Upon reconnecting and readying the last ATV, I saw these AAF mobs doing their march drill, though to me in an ATV it looked like ample time to improve my cattle herding skills.

Anyway I touched down with 1sec and moved off with enarcy to my teams FUP.
Upon arriving we started to set up MGs [mortar disappeared, no MK19] and boy did we have MGs. 4 mag58s, 1 MK48 and 2 GPMG mini-tripods.
Problem A] mini tripods are classified vehicles, so upon placing that down, the enemy saw a big "OI! WE'RE OVER HERE YOU PUTRID BILE OF TOWELS, COME CHECK OUT OUR 3D PRON!!!"

Shit got real... in the words of Sylvester Stallone, ya gotta durp what ya gotta durp.

4Sec sustained heavy enemy fire from enemy DSHKMs, RPGs, ZUES cannons, SPG recoil-less and small arms. Needless to say, "ruh roah" was in effect.
We countered with heavy MG fire, Javelin and Dragon fire, to the point no one could hear past the man next to him. The engagement was estimated to have continued for approx 30 minutes.

We re-organised and pushed out to form up with 1sec, dispatching wish to pick up rhodesy. On their return, the ATV had combusted due to an over-pressure of awesomeness seeing the full workings of our mighty community [or so it was explained to me], and rhodesy had to pick up wish.

Rommels talkings pretty much continue it on from there. And yes were in contact with a lot of crap that we exhausted all our munition briefly [engaging AA points and MG bunkers, covering 1sec advance 3 times, stopping enemy flanking elements, trying to kill roger rabbit etc]

Many thanks to everyone who participated - hope to have another event similar in the near future!

Saturday, 11 September 2010

CTB Urban Ops Training Night 8/9/10

Moments from an AEF CTB training session run by Delta 51. Some of the material touched on in this video includes sector responsibility, 360 degree cover, corner stack (high cover), and corner bound. Training and SOPs are continuously practised, improved, and tweaked through experience, debriefs, and team feedback.

Below, debrief of a VTS training mission game-mastered by Delta 51. Objective was to rescue a VIP from the town of Garmsar. Debrief includes comments on assault & support team roles, support deployment, rally points, use of medics, and communications.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

AusArmA Joint Operation Announced!

DATE - 26-SEPT-2010
ADDONS REQ. - OA 1.54. [Recommend BAF]
TEAMSPEAK - AusArmA Community TS (

There is a heavy AAA presence in the valley - be sure to eliminate any AAA sites you encounter to give your air support greater freedom of movement. Consequently, your initial helicopter landing site should be in an area that is shielded from the target areas to prevent it being damage or shot down.

The Takiban do not want to give up this airfield - they have pooled all their available resources into defending it and the surrounding areas. Expect multiple HMG positions, armed vehicles, and both static and mobile AAA platforms. There have also been sightings of some light armour being operated by some of the Takiban regular force - we aren't sure on how many they have but you've been allocated a pair of Army Air Corps Wildcats to help with any armour you encounter.

Your mission today is a collection of 3 objectives. Your main objectives are to clear out the Alpha and Bravo areas marked on your map. Your secondary objective is to clear out the 3 firing points used by the OPFOR protecting the valley.

Be prepared for a response when you capture areas or complete objectives

This is Day 1, Stage 1 of Operation Foothold. The taskforce is setting out from a temporary ISAF air base to make it's first assault into the Rasman Valley.

Operation Foothold is a seven day op aimed at securing Rasman airfield and immediate outlying villages / towns. The airfield is intended to be used as the local base of operations for all taksforce operations in the Takhari Ridge area.



Friday, 3 September 2010

CTB Basic Infantry Training Night 2/9/10

A few random moments from training. Includes some material on Acronyms, Fire Team structure and roles, some briefing for a simple 4-man clearing exercise and a debriefing for a village-clearing mission. To minimise in-game lag no combat scenes were recorded for this video.

To find out more, visit:

Thanks again to Swedge for his report on the night.

IED Testing - By Swedge

Shown: Small-charge IED (ground) detonating at 20m does not produce infantry casualties. When deactivated it becomes a satchel that can be detonated at 20m, producing infantry casualties.

The new British Armed Forces Downloadable Content for Arma 2 Operation Arrowhead (v 1.54.72888) includes 4 IED's: IED (garbage large), IED (garbage), IED (ground large), IED (ground).

The big charge IED's - IED (garbage large) and IED (ground large) - seem to produce equivalent damage to Satchels, ie. 25m is a safe distance for infantry but at 20m you may injure your legs and be unable to walk. Like a satchel, a big charge IED detonating beneath a Jackal 2 will destroy it.

The small charge IED's - IED (garbage) and IED (ground) - are less damaging than satchels, ie. 15m is a safe distance for infantry (bloodsplash on screen but no injuries). At 10m you may injure your legs and be unable to walk. A small charge IED detonated beneath a Jackal 2 will not destroy the vehicle and it will still be driveable.

Anyone who deploys an IED can Deactivate it from 2m. Engineers can Deactivate any IEDs. When an IED is deactivated it becomes a satchel in your gear, which can be deployed as per usual.

So, as shown, this bug enables units to Deactivate a small charge IED, converting it into a satchel (same as big charge IED), and then deploy this satchel with double the effectiveness of the original small charge IED.

Originally posted on the AEF forums: